The inspiration behind this project was to move from bitterly complaining about the shortfalls of the American health care system to examining the problem with curiosity; more specifically, learning from the people who worked in this system and helped shaped it to be what it is today.
Central to the project is the conviction of: Numbers to Narrative.
There are many research projects on American health care centering around statistics and policy, but few projects expertly interweave personal perspectives with peer-edited policy and data analysis. I hope to make historical events and trends come alive through the eyes of those who were there on the front line.
Inspired by Leo Tolstoy's serialized method of writing War and Peace, this publication will be weekly articles on personal and structural topics such as, but not limited to:
We stand on the shoulders of giants – these giants have names, faces, and a rich repository of knowledge and experience. I felt a personal call to harvest their insights and learn how best to move forward. Now my job is to share their stories with you.
Come meet faces of the giants whose shoulders we stand on. Our future depends on it.